
Univ. Manchester (UK)

Laura at the UNCECOMP 2023 conference in Athens (Greece)

Laura presenting her work titled "Machine learning for nonlinear superimposition principle" at the UNCECOMP conference in Athens (Greece)

Univ. California, Berkeley (USA)

Data-Science Interns in Fall-2021
(Rohil Kanwar, Ajay B Harish (me), Michael Leite-Garcia, Michelle Gu and Maxwell Liu (L-R))

IKM Hannover (Germany)

Nanoindentation with Agilent G200 at IKM

Visiting Airbus with my students in 2017

IKM Group in 2019

Finalist dinner at Melosh medal competition in 2015

Receiving the Viktor-Rizkallah award in 2016

Meeting Paco (Caltech friend) in Berlin in 2011 after 3 years!

Performing nanoscratch tests with the Nanoindenter at IKM in 2018

Preparing cake with Sebastian in 2014

Post-Christmas party of IKM in 2011

Receiving the poster award at the GACM 2013 conference from Profs. R L Taylor & Wolfgang Wall

Good times! Dinner with friends in my first apartment in Hannover in 2011

IKM 2011 Christmas party

Lappeenranta Univ. Technology (Finland)

Christmas party in Dec 2017 with Prof. Aki Mikkola's group in LUT Finland. I was collaborating with Dr. Marko K Matikainen (top-right) and advised the students Xinxin & Babak (bottom-right) who have done some amazing work in contact mechanics.